Okay, maybe to call the
Opal the best invention ever is an overstatement. I mean, there are lasers, the internal combustion engine, ice cream, modern medicine...
Opal is the best thing that has been invented for the skin around your eyes.
The serum doesn't cause breakouts (those little white bumps, ewww) like overly-thick creams do, but it does not run unto your eyes (the sting) like lotions can.
It is just right, even Goldilocks would agree;)
The actual machine is great, so high-tech (magnetic! The charger makes it light up!). Follow the directions-- there are even diagrams!
I could tell the difference after the first time I used it, and my eyes just keep getting better.
I didn't bring it on vacation (afraid of breaking it, not entirely sure how to explain to airport security), and I missed my Opal like crazy.
Honest-- it is an investment, but so worth it. Don't skip a month's rent or anything, but start saving up now. Your eyes will thank you.