Saturday, August 14, 2010

Personalize your Laser & win! So 21st century.

How advanced is this?!?

Tända is the only beauty device with interchangeable LED treatment heads to banish blemishes and the tell-tale signs of aging. This hand-held light therapy system offers visible results in your own home. Harnessing the natural power of light, Tända Skincare System is a safe, effective remedy. Tända Skincare is available in two kits—Tända Clear for acne and Tända Regenerate for anti-aging.

Tända just launched NEW tändaSKINS™ to personalize and protect your Tända device. They are offering the opportunity for you to express your creativity by designing the next tändaSKIN. Just download the tändaSKIN template from and when you submit your design, share the story behind your design and why you want to win by September 30th to be eligible.

Tweezing helps the animals!

So does filing your nails!

Tweezerman is pleased to donate $1.00 from the purchase of each Paw Print Mini Slant® Tweezer and $0.50 from the purchase of each Matchbox Itty Bitty Paw Print Files to the the Humane Society of the United States in an effort to assist with their mission to “create a humane and sustainable world for all animals – a world that will also benefit people.”

Yes, the cutest files and tweezers! Totally useful for primping on the go! I keep them in my purse, especially great since I always seem to find that errant hair when I am out somewhere...

Buy now, look better, and help the puppies!